Yes, B2B2B2C marketing is a real thing. We had the unique task of convincing marketers to recommend making Snapchat an essential part of the brand marketing mix for their clients to reach customers. I had the pleasure of helping lead the creative team on numerous quarterly Snapchat initiatives to help drive ROIs and KPIs for brands across the globe. We tapped into data analysts, social media influencers and CGI wizards to put some sizzle behind our Snap communications.

A Day in the Life

With the help of a notable influencer, we created this peek behind Gen Z and Millennial Snapchatters’ lives to help marketers understand how and when they are using the app. Here’s some samples or you can view the entire video here.

Snap to School

The Back to School season was one of the biggest opportunities for brands to reach students at the right moment. Snap to School was created to educate marketers on making Snapchat their secret weapon.